Useful Visual Studio Code Extensions

A list of useful extensions for Visual Studio Code that I’ve found improved how I write code.

  • Bracket Pair Colorizer
    • Colours brackets and parentheses in your code, making it much easier to see where your code blocks are.
  • Better Comments
    • Colours your comments based on what you're using them for. Makes it much easier to see when you need to go back and fix something you left a comment about
  • Todo Tree
    • Adds a new tab in the navigation pane showing all your "//TODO:" comments, making them easy to find and work through. Great when combined with Better Comments.
  • Highlight Bad Chars
    • Sometimes when copying code from another application, the wrong character can be used - for example "̵ " instead of "-". They look identical, but can cause code exceptions. This extension highlights them for you.
  • TabOut
    • Allows you to press tab to jump out of quotes, brackets etc. Very useful when combines with VSCode's auto closing tabs feature.

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